Sunday, July 29, 2007

Helen of Troy

A thousand ships searched for the beautiful Helen of Troy. It would have been a thousand and one, but a single ship remained in the quiet Greek harbor. The captain of the tethered ship had dismissed his crew after learning that Helen had adopted a pet in Troy.

A leashed dog lunged at me this week. It was an unusual event on 66th St. Most dogs I see are able to fit in their owner's iPod cases. This dog was different. He was oversized, gray, and unlovely. I'm not sure what make he was. The whole thing left me a little unnerved. If I had been walking with someone, then I would have acted differently. I would have acted like a courageous captain during a violent storm. I would have felt like a captain who wished that he would have delayed the journey a day or two. Of course, my actions would depend on who I was with. If I was walking with the person who picked up the latest Harry Potter book at Duane Reade last week and read the last paragraph out loud, then I would slow my pace and put him between me and the dog.


Anonymous said...

The Harry Potter spoiler guy really has you unnerved, doesn't he? He was just doing everyone a favor. Everybody will find out sooner or later, anyway

BC said...

You're right. It would have been hard to avoid the ending for three years. The movie doesn't come out until 2010. I guess that I expect more from fellow Duane Reade shoppers.