Thursday, September 27, 2007

Losing Track of Time

I lose track of time when...
I'm at a movie that I like.
I'm trying to amuse myself.
I'm working on a project of my own choosing.
I'm talking to someone on the train.
I come across a line in a book that I like.
I'm sitting on a bench near Columbus Circle and the Care Bears jump out of a van. They hug a few kids then get back in the van. A street musician plays classical guitar music.
I'm doing the Sunday crossword puzzle.
I let thoughts race through my head as I lay in bed.
I'm trying to swat a fly.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Developing Ideas

Things to Do: Participate in an Extreme Coughing Tournament.

MLB Improvement: Suggest to Brewers that they go with an 8 man pitching rotation next year. Four pitchers to pitch the first four innings and four to pitch innings 5-8.

Country song protesting the anti-immigration movement: When Lady Liberty Turned Around
Country response-song: Proud to be an American with a Big Statue (sung by Lee Greenwood in front of a thousand Statue of Liberty imitators)

Maxim: Never make eyebrow decisions first thing in the morning.

Joke: Bob laughed so hard that milk came out of his nose...Bob hasn't had milk in two years.

Redefine Listless: Able to walk a straight line. Not listing to the right or to the left.

New Product: A nicotine soul patch. Worn to end nasty habit and to impress.

Debate Topic: Steam is not a Spice. True. It's not listed as an ingredient in All-Spice. (Still have to think up counterpoint.)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Gateway Drug - Marijuana

Gateway Pet - Goldfish