Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thinking about Rome...Slug Bug Nun

-I like playing slug bug nun, a game where you punch a nearby friend when you see a nun. The game is based on slug bug where you hit a nearby friend when you see a Volkswagen beetle. There were so many nuns in Rome that we had to change the game to slug bug caucasian nun. I'll play smart car fart the next time I'm in Rome.
-There are no backseat drivers in a smart car.
-I've decided not to give friends and family the "Joy of Cooking: Re-creating Meals Served In Northwest Airlines Economy Class".
-Rome is more expensive than New York.
-Romans weren't listening to iPods. They were talking to other people.
-A Roman woman smiled at me. It could have been gas. It's so hard to tell.
-Sometimes I forget how to sleep.
-I'm not happy when friends hear me struggle to speak Italian and know that I have three semesters of Italian under my belt.
-Senior moments will be renamed "google moments" when gen X reaches old age. There were many times during the vacation when my friends and I were unable retrieve key information, like the name of the lead singer of Simply Red. Seconds after the "moment" everyone would agree, with chins raised, brows unfurled, and cheeks unblushed that the query could be googled at a later date. There was no shame in forgetting.

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