Monday, November 19, 2007

Saturday Night at the Movies

I went to see Michael Clayton Saturday evening. The theater was about a quarter full. I chose a seat near the back. Two seats separated myself from others. Most people in the theater had surrounded themselves with open seats.

There are many reasons why people add space between themselves and strangers. Sometimes it's about self-preservation. For example, in a hospital waiting room a person will try not to sit next to an ailing stranger, afraid of the bad air that she is expelling. Sometimes it's about the protection of dignity. For example, on public transportation a bulky person might stand, because he is afraid of not being able to fit between two seated riders. Sometimes it's about dignity and the expulsion of bad air. In public bathrooms a person will try to go unnoticed next to an open stall.

I sat apart from others in theater because someone might notice that I can't stop smelling myself. I had eaten at a local restaurant three days in a row. The food was ok, but I liked the way I smelled after day two, so I returned to the restaurant again. My smell left me almost anxiety free- like when you bite into a deboned carrot.

I was only left with one worry- that a stranger sitting next to me might accuse me of being a cyborg, because he noticed that wires were coming out of my right ear (one of my earbuds is broken).

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