Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Bruce Take Away

My friend and I saw Springsteen at Madison Square Garden last week. Here's what I took away from the night.

-The woman in front of us shouldn't have been doing the "Dancing in the Dark" dance to Last to Die, a song about war.

-Bruce and Nils shouldn't try to walk (side by side) up narrow ramps.

-I like the new Springsteen songs as much as the old ones. Maybe it's because he seemed so excited about them or maybe it was because the new ones are quieter so everyone was able to sit down during those songs.

-I've been listening to music too softly. Springsteen sounded good loud.

-I need to be better prepared for concerts. I would have charged my cell phone if I had known that phones, and not lighters, were now what's raised when anthems play.

-My friend still pushes his hands through his hair when he's tired and anxious.

-Springsteen is very good in front of an audience. Funny, angry, entertaining, playful, articulate...

-I was starstruck during the concert. I had seen Dr. Timothy Johnson from Good Morning America earlier that day but my heart didn't skip a beat. I felt something when I saw Bruce. I wonder what's like for Little Steven-- he's given the spotlight during his guitar solo but everyone's attention is still given to Bruce.

-I should hide the fact that I like Patty Scialfa's music. My friend gave me grief for that admission.

-Many people go outside three or four times a day in order to walk their cigarettes. Is "walk the cigarette" a yoyo trick created by Ciggy, a character on the popular 1950s TV show for kids, Marlboro Street? My friend had to work late so I was alone before the show. My mind tends to wander when I'm alone.


Anonymous said...

If your friend did, in fact, give you grief for a) admitting you like Patty Scialfa's music or b) simply liking Patty Scialfa's music, your friend is a genius.

BC said...

Now two friends have earned genius points.

hans q. bungle said...

patty was giving you the look of love during the show

BC said...

She will remember me as the guy who laughed too hard at Bruce's joke about her new cd and the E Street Band's sex toys being on sale in the lobby.