Monday, April 9, 2007


I've never seen any of my neighbors on the M66. Of course, I have yet to meet most of my neighbors so I might have sat next to a neighbor on the bus today. I met the guy who lives across the hall from me twice in a thirty minute time span this evening. The first time I was carrying laundry that had been washed and dried by someone else. The second time I was carrying dinner that was made by someone else. I told my neighbor that I had forgotten how to cook and how to do my laundry. He said that he thought that I was a good cook. He liked the smell of onions that sometimes came from my apartment. My last girlfriend said that this wasn't the case. She repeatedly told me that I didn't know how to cook onions. Too impatient, she said. She used to praise my dish washing skills, though. I am a good dishwasher. Thorough and uncomplaining. It was nice of my neighbor to pay me a compliment. It was a compliment, wasn't it?

1 comment:

BC said...

Was Bacon Bits created in order to eliminate the smell of bacon fat? I need Onion Bits.